
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Accomplishment level - high

Work has continued on the latest project, an Australian stock whip, and even though a nasty thumb laceration slowed things down I'm finally finished. Note to self - working too quickly with a straightedge and a utility knife usually results in sutures. I posted a pic of the thong in a previous post, and above is the oak dowel handle with an eight strand plait. Below is after the excess was trimmed flush with the handle, and a strip of leather was tacked to the handle, then taken to the belt sander to build up a knob for the butt of the handle.

Second attempt at the turks head knot. This is before tightening, and this arrangement still had too many gaps near the rest of the handle.

The finished turks head, after adding a third strand to the knot where it was closest to the handle plaiting.

The keeper lashed into place.

The finished stock whip. It measures nine feet from the butt of the handle to the end of the cracker (white nylon string at the very end) and is surprisingly easy to control. I worried that the attachment of the thong to the handle would be too loose and would leave things too floppy, but it turns out that my fears were unfounded. It might have helped that I cut the slit in the end of the thong just big enough to accommodate the keeper, and kept the keeper tight too, but as this is my first whip I really have no idea if this affects it or not.

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