
Monday, February 27, 2012


...pending approval, that is:


OK, not quite. I see a couple of things that need tweaking.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Starting the devil

Home stretch! Common sense would dictate that the hardest part of the painting be done first, but I've approached it backwards. My lack of painting for the last couple of years made me think that I should use the less finicky portions of the painting to get warmed up, and only paint the elements that are to be the focus after I'd gotten warmed up.

Eyes. Bulging.

Humming along on this painting, and man, I need to remember to take more frequent breaks and give my eyes a rest! Here is what's waiting for me this morning:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

New painting!

I was recently approached by a local brewery about creating an illustration for one of their seasonal brews. This brewery, and especially this particular beer, are some of my favorites, so I jumped at the opportunity to create some art for packaging. I thought it would be a good idea to take some progress photos of the work, and due to the fast-approaching deadline, it's also a good way for the art director to see that I'm not slacking. It's been a couple of years since I've painted anything, and it feels good to have a brush in my fingers again.

Disclaimer - posting of photos is not necessarily an indication that the particular step is complete, and colors are not true to life.

Full-size drawing taped to the board:

The temporary painting space. It's been so long since i painted that I never bothered to set up a space in my house for it:

Transferred drawing on the board.
Outlined in black, just to keep shapes visible and so I can erase all that graphite:

 Progress on the night sky: